This is a topic that pulls right at my heartstrings. Finding deeper, and deeper layers of yourself. I have been on a path to learn, absorb, embody various wellness practices through the years. I find that the more I invest in the things that are interesting to me they always pay off in finding new depths of who I am.

For myself it started in college I was a double major and double minor. I added religion as a minor because I enjoyed taking and learning the religion classes that I ended up having enough classes to minor in it without that being my intention. I really enjoyed learning.

That has continued into my adult life. I took my 230 hour yoga teacher training in 2014. I wanted to know more about yoga and what I was practicing. I loved it! I then went into Ayurveda school for 3 years where I transformed my life.

This year I'm investing in my 500 hour yoga teacher training. I wasn't intending to do that but it was a calling. Last year I didn't do a super in-depth program or skill learning and this felt like the right time to go deep with something I knew I wanted to do at some point in my life.

Where to connect with Andrea
Freebie: 5 Day Ayurvedic Challenge-

Seasonal Home Retreats-

Ayurvedic Coaching

Seasonal Living Collective

Andrea Claassen Bio

Andrea Claassen is an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Yoga Teacher, and Wild Woman Project Circle leader. Her mission is to help women slow down, tune in, and connect to your divine body wisdom.

She does this by teaching her Peaceful Power Practices centered around movement, mindfulness & mother nature through an Ayurvedic lens. You can hear more from Andrea on her Peaceful Power Podcast where she aims to deliver actionable takeaways to live a more holistic lifestyle.

To learn more about Andrea and her holistic outlook on life head over to