What makes a good workout? There are so many workout ideas and inspiration out there. How do you know what is a "good" workout vs. a fad in the industry? First let's define what a good workout means. To me that means something you're going to do on a consistent basis and enjoy it. If you don't enjoy your workout you will probably skip it. Let's also think about what a workout is verse what exercise is. When we think workout we think going to a gym typically. Sometimes we think about lifting weights, cardio or going to a class. Exercise on the other hand, I consider to be more movement based. Meaning going for a walk, vacuuming, cleaning the house, daily activities.
If you haven't heard all month long I will be releasing a free Hustle, Muscle & Flow workout every Monday in April. This is the program I'm very passionate about that has helped women achieve fitness goals, make time for themselves and start a new workout habit. All of the workouts are 30 minutes or less and can be done from the comforts of your own home with a set of dumbbells. To learn more about the program head over to andreaclaassen.com/podcast63