Welcome to the Peaceful Power Podcast I’m your host Andrea Claassen. Today I will be discussing what changes you can make by starting a workout routine.

Today is the first solo show of the new year happy 2017!

Starting a workout routine is usually on the top of many people’s minds at this time of the year. I won’t to help those who have been working out consistently take their fitness level up a notch.

When we think of goals let's start with 1 week goals. What do you want to accomplish this upcoming week? It can be get all of your workouts in, it might be plan your workouts for the upcoming week, maybe attempt to practice crow pose? What goal could you accomplish in one week. Notice attempting crow pose does not mean you will be able to do it by the end of the week. Though kudos if you do!

To learn more head over to safiretraining.com/podcast46 or over on instagram at safire_andrea