I was introduced to Erin through a podcast agency and really found our philosophies to be very similar. I was impressed with Erin's extensive education in psychology and fitness. She really gets into the real reasons why diets don't work. If you are a science person and likes to have more information that has been proven Erin provides us with a wealth of knowledge in today's show.

Connect with Erin
Website: https://www.ewwellnesssolutions.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-boardman-wathen-4075a9149/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/erinwathenwellness/about/

Where to connect with Andrea
Instagram- instagram.com/andreaclaassen21
Facebook- facebook.com/andreaclaassen21
Website- andreaclaassen.com
Facebook Group- facebook.com/groups/peacefulpower