Previous Episode: Learning Mediation

This time on Peace Talks Radio, a two-part program. Part one is a focus

on outreach efforts that intend to bring some peace and safety to

immigrants whose futures have become tangled up in the United States’

evolving immigration stance. First we’ll hear the story of Jose Torres

who, in the fall of 2017, became the first person in New Orleans to take

sanctuary in a church to avoid deportation. Jose is a community leader

with the Congress of Day Laborers, a group of immigrant workers and

families who helped to rebuild the city after Hurricane Katrina. Producer

Sarah Holtz spoke with Jose at his place of sanctuary, First Grace

Methodist Church.

Then Suzanne Kryder speaks with Justin Remer-Thamert, director of the New

Mexico Faith Coalition For Immigrant Justice, who recently received the

Parliament of the World's Religions Justice Award. Justin also offers

some ideas about bringing opposing sides of the immigration debate closer


Finally, Suzanne visits with Bawa Jain, the Secretary-General of The

Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders that

opened at the United Nations in August 2000 with the intent to find ways

that the worldwide religious and spiritual communities can work together

as interfaith allies with the United Nations on specific peace, poverty

and environmental initiatives.