In many urban settings, there is a significant unhoused population on the streets. According to the some recent data, more than half a million people in the United States are unhoused. Many of us want to help but may feel conflicted about how.

On this Peace Talks Radio episode, correspondent Emily Cohen explores the dynamics of homelessness with three guests working to assist people living on the street, including Miranda Twitchell who is a leader in the unsheltered community in which she has lived on and off for the past several years in Salt Lake City. Also, we’ll speak with Eva Thibaudeau-Graczyk, a social worker and the executive director of the Temenos Community Development Corporation. Temenos is a nonprofit in Houston that provides long-term housing and support services for people facing chronic homelessness, following a model known as Housing First.. And we talk with Wren Fialka, the founder of the nonprofit Spread the Love that distributes personal care, clothing and hygiene supplies to unhoused people.