A threat of both international and domestic terrorism has been a constant in our world for decades now. Radicalization of individuals to practice such terrorism has been identified as one of the key reasons behind these attacks forcing governments around the world to focus on countering terrorism through deradicalization. On this PEACE TALKS RADIO episode, correspondent Priyanka Shankar talks to our guests about what drives people into joining terrorist groups and how counter-terrorism efforts are trying to flip extremists to bolster peace. Why should we care about these efforts, and what role, if any, can WE play in such efforts? We will hear from Pieter Van Ostaeyen, a Belgium-based independent analyst on jihadist groups worldwide. Also, Elizabeth Pearson, a Lecturer in Criminology with the Conflict, Violence and Terrorism Research Centre at Royal Holloway, University of London. And Mubin Shaikh, a former extremist, who will help us understand how he helps young people get deradicalized.