This week's guest is Domenic Certa who is the master of Life Plan 2.0 and the creator of the Self Achievement Network which has over 3,000 members world-wide.  We gather today to discuss some of our random thoughts and how they get organized so that you can see the big picture of your life.  Then you organize it. Then you create it. It's brilliant actually. Every area of your life that needs attention, gets attention. Together we talk about IKTA (I know That Already) disease and how we can learn more by experiencing the Phoenix moments than we do by staying on the straight and narrow path. 


You can find Domenic on Facebook and at the link below:

I would enjoy hearing from you if you would like to connect you can find me, Uncle Dave through my website on most social media as David Chametzky (facebook page for Peace, Love and Bring a Bat), twitter as @goofyjaam  or just drop an email: [email protected]


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Pink Cans for Cancer

I also want to support those who support me: - Phoenix Eastern Medicine - Daniel Capurso, Premier Asset Solutions 

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