This weeks guest my friend Ben Gioia.  We will talk about a few things including how he had SEVERAL near death experiences within a 72 hour period while on a trek in India.  

Ben will share with us a few stories as well as discuss what we need to do if you want to write AND publish a book since he is a three-time, best-selling author — who makes it easy to write a world-class book in just 5 weeks — using The Influence With A Heart® Method. With 35 years of writing and publishing expertise, Ben has produced more than 352 million print magazines and his teachings are used by more than 40,000 people worldwide.


Did you know you can instantly position yourself as an expert — and profit from your book BEFORE publishing — so you can create the life, business, and impact you want?

Later this month he’s teaching his exact method for how he wrote a book in 5 weeks, got a lucrative overseas speaking gig (before he was published), AND got a 10-month consulting contract with a Fortune 100 company (because the book positioned him as an expert). Ben has a few stories that  may actually blow your mind!! 

Register now.


Ben is also offering a FREE guide to testimonials and how to receive them.

I would enjoy hearing from you if you would like to connect you can find me, Uncle Dave through my website on most social media as David Chametzky (facebook page for Peace, Love and Bring a Bat), twitter as @goofyjaam  or just drop an email: [email protected]


If you are enjoying hearing this and want to support either the podcast OR more importantly Goons for Good please feel free to click on the Patron link and if you like I will give you a shout out and a half hour one on one session of Havening(R)

Pink Cans for Cancer

I also want to support those who support me: - Phoenix Eastern Medicine - Daniel Capurso, Premier Asset Solutions 



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