Imagine at the age of 70, deciding that you needed to embark on a 750 mile walk across New York State to talk about your journey through PTSD and your own personal darkness to  raise awareness for mental health stigmas, and homelessness.


Frank is one of the longest living US Veterans diagnosed with 100% PTSD related disabilities, and has embraced his trauma and made it his life’s mission to educate others. For the past 30 years he has traveled the country advocating, lecturing and sharing  his incredible collection of soldier inspired artwork with his award winning exhibit “The Art of War”.

The documentary we discuss has just been announced as the 2021 Winner of the Audience Award Documentary Feature at the Queens World Film Festival.  Check out his website to see where you can see this amazing documentary. 

Website - Walk with Frank


I would enjoy hearing from you if you would like to connect you can find me, Uncle Dave through my website on most social media as David Chametzky (facebook page for Peace, Love and Bring a Bat), twitter as @goofyjaam  or just drop an email: [email protected]


If you are enjoying hearing this and want to support either the podcast OR more importantly Goons for Good please feel free to click on the Patron link and if you like I will give you a shout out and a half hour one on one session of Havening(R)

Pink Cans for Cancer

I also want to support those who support me: - Phoenix Eastern Medicine - Daniel Capurso, Premier Asset Solutions 


(c) 2021 On the Path LLC. All Rights Reserved and Enthusiastically Protected.