Corrie, is a author, mental health advocate, energy reader/healer, motivator, dedicated meditator and Energy Alignment Coach.

Corrie shares with us today some of what makes her so special as an Energy Alignment Coach.  During today's journey we talk about her desire to learn Reiki and other modalities to assist her through some personal challenges which then led her to realize she was a person who could energetically offer her talents to assist people to realign with their highest selves.

Come here Corries stories and be prepared to experience a shift in your energy with the seeds of knowledge that will be shared today. 

Follow Corrie Corrigan:
Buy Corrie's book "The Stranger in My House: How to Reconnect to Your Child with Mental Illness:"
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If you are interested in Corrie's "Clear Your Shit" program, book a call here:

I would enjoy hearing from you if you would like to connect you can find me, Uncle Dave through my website on most social media as David Chametzky (facebook page for Peace, Love and Bring a Bat), twitter as @goofyjaam  or just drop an email: [email protected]


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Pink Cans for Cancer

I also want to support those who support me: - Phoenix Eastern Medicine - Daniel Capurso, Premier Asset Solutions 

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