As baseball season begins I want to have some conversations about our “National Pastime” does more for us by the players and teams who participate in the game.

Imagine being a rookie on the team that is expected to win the World Series and even being in the music video “Let’s Go Met’s Go!” He juggled his way into our hearts as the glasses wearing back-up catcher on the eventual 1986 World Champion New York Mets.  That next spring, he was traded (notice the Mets have not won a World Series since – Curse of Ed Hearn ???) to the Kansas City Royals who had an impressive starting pitching staff.  All seemed to be Amazing and then the world crashed. Injuries and life threatening health issues allowed Mr. Hearn to gain another perspective.

Ed Hearn shares his message that we all need to “Conquer Life’s Curves” and just Keep on Swinging.  We talk about life, dropping some seeds of knowledge that he has gained outside of the diamond and how when we show up magic happens.  We might even talk about the heart of a warrior and advice he received from Dan Quizenberry.


Anyone can count the seeds in one apple, but you can’t apples in one seed” – Ed Hearn


I would enjoy hearing from you if you would like to connect you can find me, Uncle Dave on most social media as David Chametzky (facebook page Peace, Love and Bring a Bat) or just drop an email: [email protected]