DISCLAIMER: The first few episodes are intended to get to know "Uncle Dave" a bit better and get accustomed to some of his story and his way of speaking.  The tribe is gathering and the clan is forming.  The guests are coming!!!

The magic of the woRds and how they make us feel. It's amusing to me that the woRd Earth and HeaRt are the same letteRs.  BefoRe I begin to Ramble on about one of my new phRases - theRe is always an "R" in my heaRt. I want you to join this episode to heaR about the Rise we must all Remember to do when life bRings us down. Find the Resilience to Rebuilt and RecalibRate ouRself and ouR lives. Finding the inneR stRength to Reset ouRselves and RemembeR to always find the Love within ouRselves. It is easy when we know the gRounding of Peace, Love and knowing when to bRing a bat! 


"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I Refuse to be Reduced by it" - Maya Angelou