April is Autism Awareness month and as an effort to move the dial on stigmas around people, places and experiences involving people on the spectrum I want to invite you to meet a few amazing people who are doing their part to change the stigmas and providing safe spaces to teach and learn.


Imagine being Sam Mitchell, who is an 18 year old man who is hosting a very successful podcast, where he has interviewed huge stars and influencers, launched a successful merchandise line and is currently conducting an fundraiser. Sam’s podcast which is pushing 5K downloads is called Autism Rocks and Rolls. Sam was diagnosed with Autism at age 4 and with the support of his amazing supportive family, found the resources to build a platform to speak his truths and began sharing how he sees life and its experiences so others can learn from him. Sam is bringing his power and voice to support Autism Awareness through a fundraiser on his website -  http://autismrocksandrolls.com/



I would enjoy hearing from you if you would like to connect you can find me, Uncle Dave on most social media as David Chametzky (facebook page Peace, Love and Bring a Bat) or just drop an email: [email protected]