Episode 30 is a little different to what I usually upload. However, I believe it will be beneficial for many and especially now, as its the beginning of a new year and everyone is making news years resolutions to lose weight. I am therefore hoping this episode helps you put an end to those low calorie and restrictive diets this year and instead learn to listen to your body and treat it better and with love in 2019 and forever.

In this episode, I interview Elyse Resch. Elyse is a nutrition therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills with over thirty-six years of experience, specializing in eating disorders, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size. She is the co-author of Intuitive Eating and The Intuitive Eating Workbook, is the author of the upcoming Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens, and has published journal articles, print articles, and blog posts.

Elyse discusses her story and what intuitive eating is.

Find out

Elyse story/journey from her dieting to her eating disorder.
What intuitive eating is and how Elyse got into intuitive eating/ how the book came about.
Reasons for why people embark on diets
Why diets don't work
Reject the diet mentality: How to break out of that mindset.
How to ensure parents don't come in between a child's intuitive eating by instilling dieting beliefs and restriction.
The impact of social media

Elyse's Website

Elyse's Instagram @elyseresch


Despina's Instagram: @pcos_nutrition

Despina's Twitter: @pcos_nutrition

Despina's Facebook Page: @pcosandnutrition

Despina's Pinterest: @pcos_nutrition

Despina's YouTube: PCOS and Nutrition

PCOS and Nutrition Website: pcosandnutrition.com

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