Hey boss lady. It is Angela here, and we need to get into something very specific today because we’re one week into the new year. Seven days has already passed… just that fast. Can you believe it? And there are goals that you said you would definitely achieve in 2024. You were so sure of it!

How's that going for you? I mean, let's just be real. We’re seven days in. And, uh, are you doing anything differently than you did last year? Do you think differently? Is your behavior different? Not really?? Okay. No problem. You have plenty of time to self-correct and actually achieve the goals that you said you wanted to achieve in 2024, There is a specific way to do it. 

It's not going to just happen because you want it to, You need to have diligence, but diligence doing what? Well, that's, what I'm going to share with you today. Three steps that I'll teach you, that you can actually use to achieve those goals. Get your pen and your paper or your notes app on your phone. We're about to get into it. 

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