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🎙️ Exciting news! 🎙️

Today we're discussing the power of social connectedness as one of the jigsaw pieces that contribute to "resilience"

Julie South shares invaluable insights on how building meaningful relationships can strengthen your resilience quotient. 

Here are 3 key takeaways from the episode:

1. Social connectedness is vital for resilience: Research shows that being socially connected leads to longer, healthier lives. Meaningful relationships, emotional support, and a sense of belonging all contribute to our overall well-being and ability to cope with challenges.

2. The impact of mentorship on resilience: Mentoring programmes not only benefit the mentee but also the mentor. It creates a strong foundation of trust, care, and mutual understanding, leading to enhanced vulnerability and growth. The act of supporting others helps provide a sense of purpose and personal growth, which directly strengthens our resilience.

3. Strengthening social connections for enhanced resilience: There are numerous ways to enhance social connectedness, from reconnecting with friends to exploring new interests or hobbies. Joining groups or activities that align with your interests can naturally lead to forming meaningful social connections, ultimately strengthening your resilience.

You can find the social connection research Julie mentions on the episode page at VetStaff's website.

Tune in to the full episode on the Vet Staff Podcast to learn more about how to grow your resilience quotient through social connectedness. 

And remember to hit the follow button to stay updated with future episodes!

About DISC-Flow®
DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

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