Are you a perfectionist? So is the rest of society. We've all adopted the mantra and mentality of we can never be satisfied.

This episode examines the types of individuals that are never satisfied, yet we discuss ways in which you can still continually improve while finding more joy in your accomplishments.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What moment in your life have you felt like you settled? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…
Selected Links from the Episode

Usain Bolt disappointed he didn't break his 200m world record
The pursuit of being selfless
Why Settling is Hard Work by Laura J. Hamilton
Stop Settling for the Myth of Work-Life Balance and Choose to Live Your All by Dana Shaw-Arimoto

Show Notes

Settling has a very negative connotation right now [02:17]
Always improving [02:41]
Being a General Manager [3:57]
Paralysis by analysis [4:57]
Dynasty's in sports [5:34]
Performers and creative individuals are never satisfied [6:44]
Athletes and the pursuit of history and their legacy [8:31]
I can't get no satisfaction [10:31]
Settling is a bad thing [11:40]
Settling in is a positive aspect [12:24]
Work life balance is a hot topic [15:03]
We are in a society where settling is unacceptable [18:38]
Settling may be seen as holding you back [21:43]
Be the best that you can be [22:42]
Find ways to celebrate successes [22:36]
Success is the expectation [26:41]
The inspiring about Multi-Level Marketing [27:51]
Celebrating people for just showing up [29:50]
Define what makes you happy and then constantly and consistently pursue it [31:28]

People Mentioned

Usain Bolt
Laura J. Hamilton
Dana Shaw-Arimoto
Jean Dahlquist

Are you a perfectionist? So is the rest of society. We’ve all adopted the mantra and mentality of we can never be satisfied.

This episode examines the types of individuals that are never satisfied, yet we discuss ways in which you can still continually improve while finding more joy in your accomplishments.

QUESTION(S) OF THE DAY: What moment in your life have you felt like you settled? Please let me know in the comments.

Scroll below for links and show notes…

Selected Links from the Episode

Usain Bolt disappointed he didn’t break his 200m world record
The pursuit of being selfless
Why Settling is Hard Work by Laura J. Hamilton
Stop Settling for the Myth of Work-Life Balance and Choose to Live Your All by Dana Shaw-Arimoto

Show Notes

Settling has a very negative connotation right now [02:17]
Always improving [02:41]
Being a General Manager [3:57]
Paralysis by analysis [4:57]
Dynasty’s in sports [5:34]
Performers and creative individuals are never satisfied [6:44]
Athletes and the pursuit of history and their legacy [8:31]
I can’t get no satisfaction [10:31]
Settling is a bad thing [11:40]
Settling in is a positive aspect [12:24]
Work life balance is a hot topic [15:03]
We are in a society where settling is unacceptable [18:38]
Settling may be seen as holding you back [21:43]
Be the best that you can be [22:42]
Find ways to celebrate successes [22:36]
Success is the expectation [26:41]
The inspiring about Multi-Level Marketing [27:51]
Celebrating people for just showing up [29:50]
Define what makes you happy and then constantly and consistently pursue it [31:28]

People Mentioned

Usain Bolt
Laura J. Hamilton
Dana Shaw-Arimoto
Jean Dahlquist

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