Learning for the sake of learning is never the thing. Talking for the sake of talking doesn’t do it either.

Conversations and content are the places we start, but they have to become part of how you create action, how you learn and unlearn, so you can move through the world in a more equitable way.

India interviews Erica about what she’s integrating in her life and her practice of Imperfect Allyship®.

In this discussion:

Why confronting perfectionism means digging into the narratives you have about yourself and your work How reconsidering your normal extends to Erica’s parenting Why community is essential to integration

Ready to dive deeper?

If you want to be in conversation with others committed to integration and being Imperfect Allies®, Pause on the Play® The Community, gives you the opportunity to show up, learn new things and new ways of being that you can integrate into your allyship.

Join a supportive community who are in action to change themselves and the world around them for the better. 

Learn more at PauseOnThePlay.com/Community


Listen to Erica interview India about what she’s integrating on the Flaunt Your Fire® Podcast Listen to Amenah Arman on Bad Art: Challenging the Negative and Perfectionist Narrative on the Flaunt Your Fire® Podcast