DEI consultants are not a monolith. Erica and her guest, Kay Fabella, a DEI and remote team consultant based in Spain, discuss how personal experience, geographical location, and cultural context influence individual approaches to the work, while highlighting some of the key differences in anti-racism efforts abroad versus those in the US.  

In this discussion:

The value of embracing a multi-hyphenate identity Wholeheartedly engaging in the DEI journey The importance of contextually appropriate DEI educational materials Problems inherent to applying a US-centric DEI strategy to global conversations when it comes to language, context, and culturally readiness Creating safe spaces for people to do the work Reconsidering your normal for a stronger foundation Showing up as a DEI practitioner - the personal is professional Questions to consider before engaging a DEI professional for your business

Connect with Kay Fabella




As a Forbes-featured DEI Consultant & Remote Team Strategist, Kay Fabella has worked with companies like the IMF, Philips, Red Hat, and PepsiCo, to improve inclusive communication between diverse team members, to retain top talent and reduce turnover, and to build a culture of belonging to prepare companies for the future of work.

A Filipina American in Spain since 2010, Kay draws from her lived experiences as a “multihyphenate” woman of color, a daughter of immigrants, and an immigrant herself to build bridges for belonging.

She believes that more inclusive workplace cultures start with psychological safety to share non-linear stories — to embed empathy, expand worldviews, and increase employee engagement and innovation. 

While she finalizes her first book on DEI, you can listen to her industry insights and interviews on her 5-star podcast: Inclusion in Progress.


Check out our full show notes for more at

Keep The Dialogue Going

Visit Kay’s website and download the whitepaper The Future of Work Culture: How Big Tech is Redefining DEI in a Remote World

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