A new year ushers in fresh opportunities to replace tired either/or thinking with a resounding both, and! Erica breaks down the what, why, and how of self vs community efforts and offers a more comprehensive, holistic approach for advancing your anti-racism practice.

Discussion includes:

Applying concepts of self and collective to diversity, equity, and inclusion work Concurrent roads to lasting change Decentering our actions Recognizing DEI work as an ongoing effort Asking questions in a way that acknowledges our experiences or bias 

Visit our full show notes for more at https://www.pauseontheplay.com/potp/ep91.


Imperfect allies don’t have to deprogram alone. It’s beyond time to get to work for the collective, to create the change we ALL want to be a part of.

Both, and your allyship! Join the Pause On The Play community and do the work with us!

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