A new year is often a time of reflecting on the past and planning for the future, but it’s important to remember that where we are right now matters.


And as content creators, it matters that you share what’s going on with you and not forget yourself in the process of interviewing others or providing value through teaching. 


Erica and India get together to share where they are right now and why it’s important for content creators to let their audiences get to know them.


In this discussion:

Why content creators should share their personal experiences Erica and India’s experiences becoming homeowners How Erica put her values into action through her recent move A different take on boundaries and how that’s helping Erica navigate online dating



Watch The Banker  Use OfferUp Buy Nothing Project

Ready to dive deeper?


If you’ve enjoyed the conversations on this podcast, you may want the chance to ask Erica or India your questions, and you have the opportunity to do that in The Pause on the Play® Community

You’ll also get to meet and be in community with a global group of values-driven individuals and join conversations and get feedback on situations in your work like hiring or marketing and in your life, like voting with your dollars or the messy middle of moving or online dating.

Learn more at https://pauseontheplay.com/community