In the United States, we live with a cultural narrative of hyper-independence. We make it on our own.

But there is nothing we do that isn’t in some way supported by someone else. The often invisible labor of others allows us to perpetuate the lie that we are independent. Humans are interdependent by nature and communities can’t exist without interdependence. 

Erica and India discuss how interdependence shows up in The Pause on the Play Community, in their work, and in their lives, from collaboration to compost.

In this discussion:

How concepts of community, collaboration, and interdependence have shaped The Pause on the Play® Community The myth of American exceptionalism and the truth of interdependence How fostering interdependence also supports equity and inclusion in your DEI efforts How interdependence can show up in your community

Ready to dive deeper?

The Pause on the Play® Community is creating an environment where interdependence is fostered willingly and joyfully through community conversation, workshops, Q&As, co-working sessions, resources, and events like Collaboration Speed Dating. Our members thrive through sharing with and supporting one another on their personal and professional journeys, where their experiences and perspectives are valued, and where no one is reduced to an elevator pitch.

Learn more at:


OfferUp ShareWaste Too Good to Go