Michael Poore

The Humanitas Forum on Christianity & Culture

P.O. Box 2282

Cookeville, Tennessee 38502


mpoore @ humanitas.org


Grew up in poverty, polio, tobacco farm, behind a mule

Polio was the best thing that happened to him, enabled him to go to college

Vocational rehabilitation scholarship

Majored in history, secondary education, taught school, met future wife, she was going to Bible college, learned about Francis Schaeffer. Grew up in a pietistic methodist church, 

Humanitas forum: Sense-making, what does it mean to follow Jesus in a post-Christian culture. 

The question being asked in bio-ethics. Cloning, stem cell research, 

What does it mean to be human. 

501c3 proposal: bioethics might not be big enough, wrote it broadly. What does it mean to follow Jesus in a post-Christian culture. 

Not that Christianity has disappeared, but no institutions that are shaped by a Christian worldview

Ancient wisdom for a post-modern age. 

Discipleship, work, education

Sense-making newsletter. About 100 people who read it locally on a regular basis

Campus ministry at Tennessee Tech, half time with students, half time with the general public

Sensemaking | Michael Poore | Substack


Help people to understand the culture, how do we contend for the faith
Ratio christi, try to get beyond arguments specifically apologetic

A theology of work, application, 

Cobelligerents, common grace, natural law

Reading groups within the church

People are looking for a formula for keeping their kids in the faith. Their looking for short-cuts. Looking for a formula. 

You've gotta carve out time. Walking

Leonard Sax: research on social media and screens


Paul Vander Klay clips channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX0jIcadtoxELSwehCh5QTg

Bridges of Meaning Discord https://discord.gg/hYkJNRuq


My Substack https://paulvanderklay.substack.com/

Estuary Hub Link https://www.estuaryhub.com/

If you want to schedule a one-on-one conversation check here. https://paulvanderklay.me/2019/08/06/converzations-with-pvk/

There is a video version of this podcast on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/paulvanderklay

To listen to this on ITunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/paul-vanderklays-podcast/id1394314333 

If you need the RSS feed for your podcast player https://paulvanderklay.podbean.com/feed/ 

All Amazon links here are part of the Amazon Affiliate Program. Amazon pays me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you buy through one of the product links here. This is is one (free to you) way to support my videos. 


Blockchain backup on Lbry https://odysee.com/@paulvanderklay


Paul's Church Content at Living Stones Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh7bdktIALZ9Nq41oVCvW-A

To support Paul's work by supporting his church give here. https://tithe.ly/give?c=2160640