In September 2020 there will be a conference with myself, Jonathan Pageau, John Vervaeke, and Richard Maundrell on the subject of Consciousness and Conscience. I wanted to know what was Urban Abbey in Thunder Bay Ontario and what was its story. Scotland Morrison, the Abbot shared with me his incredible story and the story of the founding of the Abbey. You are going to love it.

Conference Link Website:

Scotland's email: [email protected] Registration opening soon-


Urban Abbey Thunder Bay Ontario
Men honor titles and titles do not honor men, Machievelli
Born in Thunder Bay Ontario
Grandfather was a baptist minister, other grandfather was a firefighter
Father worked for digital equipment. Parents were both serving in a baptist church. Mom was a youth leader, father in children’s ministry
Descended into missionary poverty. End up in the interior of BC parents become full time Christian camp directors until he is 12 years old. Frans and Wes.
Felony Flats, parents do discipleship camps
Winkler Bible Camp,
Sovereign Grace movement, Warren Throckmorton
Parents are more dynamic pioneers than settler types
Scotland and older sister take over the disciples training school
Move to Philadelphia, got plugged into a Sovereign Grace church
CCF Philadelphia, Westminster
Zach Martin, plant a sovereign grace church in Ottawa
Mark Driscoll Acts 29 Church Planting network
Carrie Underwood
Mike Fischer Hockey Player
Village Church in Surrey BC
When you’re bringing people into the church, what are they being converted into…
Neo-monasticism, Brother Lawrence,
Enneagram 9w8
Mom had fallen ill, but working on her second PhD from Fuller
“If you do what I’m asking you to do I’m going to take care of you…” from God
Mom writes up a 9 page proposal for the old baptist church to become an Abbey
Prayer tower
Ship in a storm, javelin/archer, tree with trees beneath
To say that you’re a Christian person carries a ton of baggage
Thunder Bay is a Hub city. 25 first nations communities north of them.
14 to 17% first nations, they are urbanizing
St. Patrick. Kidnapped as a child, became a slave, lots of encounters with god in the wild. Loves his captors. Escapes. Learns theology. Becomes a missionary.
Patrick offers something those communities embraced and desired.
Loved the dedication of the monks.
Irish missionaries found ways to properly bring in spiritual elements of the Celts.
Catholics saw the benefit structure of some of it. Mutual confession.
Irish monks did hair styles like the druids.
Monasteries were a withdrawal from society. Abbeys were far more community oriented.
Build places for art, culture technology. When they’d come into a community the community would value it.
Always this focus of work and prayer.
A Christian movement that could work with the first nation’s people of Ireland. Being good news for that community.
Believe, behave, belong. Abbey: belong, behave, believe trajectory.
Doesn’t matter where you are on any spectrum.
Emphasis on service and sacrifice, isaiah 58, Service to the city.
Canada is losing 30% of its churches in 10 years.
Municipality of Montreal is banning new church construction
Parents wanted, an abbey, Scotland wants it to be a model.
You seed them with community, loving, purposed people. Dementia cafe
Filled the abbey with sacred art. Jesus sitting at the last supper.
25 to 40 people who come for services, 1500 to 2000 people a week.
Want the abbey to be a re-writing of a narrative. Plant an intentional community.
Passage about God putting Ahab to death.
Common rule of life
Four year lectionary based on the four gospels
Philosophy, culture making, art, city center
James KA Smith guiding in a rowboat you look back
Informed, fair, generative, lively, dialogue
Dr. Richard Maundrell
Urban Abbey .ca and on Facebook, will be creating a facebook

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