Were about a month from our long anticipated conference on Consciousness and Conscience in Thunder Bay Ontario. There is still time to sign up and a good deal of space.

Dutch Estuary Network https://www.meetup.com/dutch-estuary-network/events/286308731/

Panel Discussion is 2 to 4pm and the Social is 7 to 10pm

German Estuary Festival August 26, 2022 https://bridgesofmeaningfestival.de/

Friday September 2 Benburb Priory https://benburbpriory.com/event/the-meaning-crisis-modernity-and-the-christian-way-a-benburb-priory-conference/ 

Saturday September 3: Meaning and Trust 4:00 to 5:30pm https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/meaning-truth-trust-tickets-388043016107

Saturday September 3: Mission and the Meaning Crisis with Tom Holland 6:30 to 7:45  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mission-and-the-meaning-crisis-tickets-388066044987?aff=erelpanelorg

Sunday Preaching at Streatham Central Church 10am https://www.streathamcentralchurch.org.uk/

Thunder Bay Gathering September 2022 https://events.eventzilla.net/e/consciousness--conscience-2138584969?