Warren was the bloke who brought me to Australia and set up the Jordan Peterson Phenomenon conference in Melbourne in March of 2019. Warren is a wonderful example of a man who has lived his life as a thinking Christian layman. You'll find in this conversation a whole list of thinkers that he has learned from as he's worked out his salvation. We'll be doing some other conversations on his book and his thought as it develops.

First of the baby boomers
Father was a mechanic
Brethren Movement, Darby
Scofield Bible. God deals with humans within distinctive dispensations
Mel Garbon
Diploma of youth and community
Built a racing car
Big Daddy Don Garlitz
Drag racing
He called out to God after an accident
He put a cross on his car and the words “God is Love”
L’Abri and Francis Schaeffer
He and his wife always agreed to tell each other the truth
Edith Shaeffer’s book L’Abri
Nicky Gumbal, Nicky Lee, Nicky Hills
Bill Chilton, architech
Os Guiness, The Dust of Death
Ravi Zaccharias
CS Lewis
Could be pretty unsatisfying if it was just intellectual
Uniting Church in Melbourne
Explore the Pentecostal phenomenon
Brethren are cessationists
Wanted to engage emotionally
Speaking in tongues
Make intellectual inquiry because he’s curious, then experience it
Attended local Brethren church,
Sense of mission, which he failed
Paradox. Had been investigating. Teachings of Jesus paradoxical
Jacque Ellul Reason for Being, tremendous insight into wisdom literature. Irony , paradox, contradiction
Expect paradox, irony and delight in it.
Given enormous resilience and optimism
Went to a Baptist church. Crossway, big home group
Started blogging, participating in “the conversation” where he learned to argue with skeptics and atheists
Joining a men’s group. Stan Henkins
Bunch of Blokes www.bunchoblokes.org
Resources for men’s group, based everything on the golden rule
How Good is the Golden Rule
Jonathan Haidt
Haidt mentioned Jordan Peterson
Jungian archetypes
Carl Jung
Peterson was saying things he already knew
Importance of the Logos
Jesus is the Logos of God
Each of us have got a logos, the thing that we believe to be true
We need to be consistent with it and articulate it
St. James Anglican Church
We can be participants in the kingdom of God now in a comprehensive way which is satisfying
Righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
Faith hope and love lead us to Christ,
From Newton to Alfred North Whitehead
Process Theology
We live in a world where we’re invited to participate in a creative relationship with God
John Anderson
Robert Pirsig's quality of life
Quality of life tool, framework and a questionnaire
Sends them on an inward journey
There must be an inward journey of discover and an outward journey of sharing with others.
Walter Wink
Tom Holland and NT Wright
Rodney Stark

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