Dr. Jim is back with some very helpful stuff for the conversation. I'll include the notes below. Links first.

Richard Rorty: Is Religion Compatible with Science?

Clem Snide

The Slow (Kevin's band) Song- Black Friday

Wilford Sellars

David Bonavac on Wiford Sellars

House show
Group A and group B
Kicking a soccer ball, the ball will travel in an invariant way
See the ball in its environment as not having agency, inanimate
Unexceptionally that
Even in the case of an anomaly we look for it to be contained in an invariant field
We engage in it that way before we do some rational reconstruction
Playing soccer with his son, a person with agency
Materialism and naturalism,
At a base level this is perennial problem not a new problem
Modernist dilemma
William Harvey
Contemporary of Galileo
Harvey was taking that same vision and turning it towards the organization of the body
He described it as a pump
Descarte reflected back on Harvey as an influence to him
Why don’t we put Harvey in the same kind of place that we see Galileo
Split vision idea
Wilfred Sellers philosopher
Undermined the whole analytic tradition, undermining the idea that science could be purely based on empiricism
He stopped the analytic dominance of philosophy
Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man, Stanford Encyclopedia page
“The clash between the manifest image and the scientific image. Idealizations of distinct conceptual frameworks. Persons and things with emphasis on persons. Scientific image presents itself as a rival image. “

Problem is that the scientific image has a totalizing ambition
The two images entail a kind of ontology
We set up a hierarchy of being rather than an easy coincidence of things as we saw in playing soccer
Sam Harris the self is an illusion, illusion is the deflationalry term
Lessor status of ontology
Less claim on reality
The modernist term has this temptation
Critique JBP’s half of the field of objects
Arena for action is probably wrong, actions don’t have value in themselves
You can put a sequence of actions together and its only a sequence of value neutral actions
You get to Nietzsche with that formula
Jordan Peterson
Saying it’s action leads to a power dynamic
Care, Hiedegger
Our essence is dependence
Competence and action
Image of the cross
Crucifixion, a kind of declaration
Death cannot be seen as failure
Cross is an affirmative declaration that death is not failure
The Slow
Black Friday
Mary Kochan https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2leFZRD0ZlQDQxpR2Zd8oA 

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