On March 11 I hosted a conversation between 4 pastors of churches in British Columbia. Two pastors from the RCA Classis there and two ministers from two different CRC classes there. The Reformed Church in America has been struggling with how to resolve their deep divisions over same-sex marriage. One group of RCA churches have formed what is called "The Gospel Alliance". They are threatening to leave the RCA if they don't 1. Discipline classes and congregations that don't accept marriage between one man and one woman. 2. Adopt a more conservative Biblical hermeneutic 3. Accept infant dedication along side of infant baptism 4. Reduce denominational assessments. The RCA Classis in British Columbia has entered into conversation with the two CRC classes there to see if they might affiliate with the CRC. Could this be the first step in resolving tensions over same sex marriage in both denominations by having RCA churches that want to maintain their traditional practices could switch to the CRC and having CRC congregations that seek to affirm same-sex unions could join an affirming RCA? CRC Participants Andrew Beunk [email protected] and Ed Gerber [email protected] Murray Moerman from the RCA sent these links. www.anglicanrealitycheck.com Built on this model a parallel timeline for the RCA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mwnMkObnBs4ZE9tiVZmu6OaAFX3Go-lzCFnB9nvOFNM/ www.murraymoerman.com The Gospel Alliance https://thegospelalliance.com/ http://www.roncitlau.com/2019/06/what-happens-after-2020-in-the-rca-a-conservative-vision/

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