1) Hurrah! I got writing again this week. 5178 words written, this book has to be 1st draft completed by Friday 16th June. It's working title only at the moment, I need to come up with something much stronger!

I'm using the Novel Factory to plot out my book: https://paulteague.com/how-and-why-i-use-the-novel-factory-to-plot-my-books/

2) I'm co-hosting a live Q&A with Orna Ross from the The Alliance of Independent Authors on Tuesday 11th April - find out more at http://selfpublishingadvice.org/event/ask-alli-member-qa-self-publishing-questions-answered-by-orna-ross-and-paul-teague/

3) I won a Bronze in this year's Wishing Shelf Awards. I'm not really entering awards any more, mainly because most of them are social media 'beauty contests' or outright money-making schemes, however, the Wishing Shelf Awards is highly recommended, because it's judged by real readers and is totally independent. I spoke to the creator of these awards, Edward Trayer, for the podcast, you can listen to the interview here.

4) Reminder! The Self-Publishing Conference in Leicester on Saturday 22nd April https://selfpublishingconference.org.uk/

5) Reminder! The Newcastle Writing Conference on Saturday 20th May http://newwritingnorth.com/projects/newcastle-writing-conference/

6) Link to Instafreebie Leads Explosion webinar replay: https://paulteague.com/instafreebie-leads-explosion/

7) Check out Graham Smith, a future podcast guest: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Graham-Smith/e/B006FTIBBU

7) Check out Jason Blacker, another future podcast guest: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jason-Blacker/e/B0051QUDA0/

8) QuickBooks for UK-based sole trader accounting: https://paulteague.com/QBooks [this is my referral link]