Patspiration Nuggets by Pat Obilor

Hello great one, it is the first episode of my Podcast and may not be what you want to hear. 
The truth is bitter but we got to say it. Sometimes we tend to put the blame on the government for things that ain’t working. It is also okay to ask yourself if you are “working” and productive. Let’s assume they fulfill our needs... “good Road network ✅ Electricity✅ Water✅ healthcare✅ Jobs✅ security✅ Intl exchange ✅etc... and on top of it, you are given at least 50k (Naira) monthly as a young graduate or for just being a citizen... 
Would you still be able to make something out of your life? Or demand for more perks? In a nutshell, You can be in plenty and still not know it cos you have not built the capacity to manage it. If you have not built capacity for what you desire, even when it comes, you will misuse it. What am saying in a nutshell with this Podcast is that an entitlement/inheritance mentality will not get you far in life. Nobody owes you anything, instead of complaining of things not working and hoping for the better, just take charge of your life! #PatspirationNuggets #Truthisbitter #PatspirationPodcast