The creators of The 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' model Alan David Reed and Tahnee Woolf are Dr. Brad Miller's guests on Episode 140 of “The Beyond Adversity Podcast.”
The 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' Model is a response to other systems of self-knowledge, such as Astrological Star Signs, the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, DISC, Human Design, Gene Keys, Wealth Dynamics, and Reichian Characterology.
The 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' Model does not tell you what 'type' you are. Instead, It helps you understand your fundamental relationship with reality at this point in your spiritual development. This creates the basis for your core perceptions, the way you think, your worldview, your values, your behaviors, and your actions.
Alan David Reed and Tahnee Woolf share with Dr. Brad in great detail how they met and discovered their complementary set of skills and interests and partnered together to uncover and create 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' through their own deep introspection and the researching of trends and evolutionary patterns of humanity.
What evolves in Episode 140 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a fascinating conversation about the very nature of humanness itself and the discovery of a process and tools which will help the person seeking personal transformation to respond to questions like…
Are seeking to...
KNOW YOURSELF more deeply?
GET ALONG BETTER with friends and family?
MEET LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE who are just like you?
HAVE PEACE OF MIND about what is happening in our world? (
The purpose of “The Beyond Adversity Podcast” is to help people navigate adverse conditions in their life (disease, death, divorce, debt, depression) and emerge to a life of peace prosperity, and purpose.
The Beyond Adversity Podcast is published weekly by Dr. Brad Miller
Dr. Brad Miller
March 2021 ( (The Ten Terrains of Consciousness Transcript)

The creators of The 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' model Alan David Reed and Tahnee Woolf are Dr. Brad Miller's guests on Episode 140 of “The Beyond Adversity Podcast.”

The 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' Model is a response to other systems of self-knowledge, such as Astrological Star Signs, the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, DISC, Human Design, Gene Keys, Wealth Dynamics, and Reichian Characterology.

The 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' Model does not tell you what 'type' you are. Instead, It helps you understand your fundamental relationship with reality at this point in your spiritual development. This creates the basis for your core perceptions, the way you think, your worldview, your values, your behaviors, and your actions.

Alan David Reed and Tahnee Woolf share with Dr. Brad in great detail how they met and discovered their complementary set of skills and interests and partnered together to uncover and create 'Ten Terrains Of Consciousness' through their own deep introspection and the researching of trends and evolutionary patterns of humanity.

What evolves in Episode 140 of The Beyond Adversity Podcast is a fascinating conversation about the very nature of humanness itself and the discovery of a process and tools which will help the person seeking personal transformation to respond to questions like…

Are seeking to...

KNOW YOURSELF more deeply?

GET ALONG BETTER with friends and family?

MEET LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE who are just like you?

HAVE PEACE OF MIND about what is happening in our world?

The purpose of “The Beyond Adversity Podcast” is to help people navigate adverse conditions in their life (disease, death, divorce, debt, depression) and emerge to a life of peace prosperity, and purpose.

The Beyond Adversity Podcast is published weekly by Dr. Brad Miller

Dr. Brad Miller

March 2021

The Ten Terrains of Consciousness Transcript