In the intricate landscape of modern business, maintaining precise control over logistics operations stands as an imperative foundation for streamlined efficiency and sustainable success. LogesTechs is your go-to comprehensive and complete logistics system. Kawthar Bishawi, Marketing Manager helps us understand how LogesTechs’ delivery management system employs AI and data analytics to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and address industry pain points such as transparency, high logistics costs, temperature-sensitive products, and customer dissatisfaction. Kawthar discusses LogesTechs' multifaceted client acquisition strategy, combining digital marketing, direct sales, referrals, and social media to effectively reach its target audience. The company's website serves as a hub for booking demos, sharing industry updates, and showcasing integrations and APIs, contributing to attracting new customers. They continue to improve the website's user experience and content richness while emphasizing LogesTechs’commitment to leveraging technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain for sustainable business growth.