Every business leader knows by now LinkedIn is one of — if not the — most effective social networks for expanding your brand.

But how do you know your sales team is taking full advantage of the platform?

We asked an expert. This week, Stephen King weighs in with Intero Advisory Founder and CEO, Colleen Mckenna.

As the leaders of LinkedIn branding, sales, and recruiting enablement, Colleen shares her four pronged approach in social selling and on how to make your business stand out through the digital noise.

Not only do we tap into Colleen expertise on navigating LinkedIn, but she shares her own journey of building her profitable consulting business from her dining room table.

We Discuss:

How her love and passion for technology, marketing, and business development helped her build her business.
Her LinkedIn sales secrets & the 4 paths of social selling.
Her steps for how she went from a HubSpot shop in her dining room to a business with 700K in revenue.
The gap she sees between recruiting and LinkedIn.
Her “surround sound” method to find a channel of communication with a prospect.
Why more often than not, women are underselling themselves on LinkedIn.
Her internship with Oprah.

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