Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want To Miss: We need to find better ways to describe how we feel. Most of us don’t know how to describe how we feel beyond “OK” or “good.” Use a feelings wheel to develop emotional accuracy. This tool visualizes the relationship between emotions and helps us push past surface emotions or words that do not accurately describe how we feel. The road to emotional intelligence takes less than 3 minutes per day. Using the feelings wheel 5 times a day creates awareness, familiarity and confidence to say how you feel and make healthy decisions based on those feelings.

Focus on incremental change in your emotional vocabulary and the emotional vocabulary of your family and team. Use the feelings wheel to get a baseline - how well do you know how you feel? And then keep using the feelings wheel in meetings, interpersonal interaction and for yourself and watch what happens when you take small steps towards a better future.

How Do You Feel? Grab Our FREE Guide And Find The Right Words.

OK, so now we’ve sold you on the idea of using the feelings wheel. But how do you actually use it? Glad you asked! Tal put together a resource that shows you exactly what you need to do to expand your emotional vocabulary. Articulating your feelings and understanding the feelings of your family and the people you lead is non-negotiable for healthy leaders. Take a few seconds to download the guide and let us set you up for success!

Check Out These Highlights: Matt confesses that he is a robot Tal talks about why he doesn’t like Thanksgiving What does it mean when someone tells you on the Monday after Thanksgiving that they feel ‘good’ or ‘ok’? Why leaders need a robust emotional vocabulary How a feelings wheel is used, and how using it can benefit your team What to do when you or someone on your team oversells or undersells their emotions The formula for putting the feelings wheel to work for you Links Mentioned In The Episode FREE Resource - Five Factors Coaching - Five Factors Facebook Group

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