Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want To Miss: Healthy leaders stay open to reality. Because you have blind spots, you won’t always see the world with accuracy. Be willing to intentionally and consistently learn from the perspective of other people. Healthy leaders stay open to change. Past success does not guarantee future results. Create space for feedback and innovation. Healthy leaders stay open to pivoting. All-or-nothing changes rarely produce the desired results. Play the long game and be willing to take small steps towards a better future. Ready To Find Freedom? Grab Our FREE Guide And Find Out.

To help you clarify and manage the change you need to make in your life and leadership, we created a FREE guide to help you take clear next steps. This simple three-step process will give you a simple way to find clarity, gain momentum and produce results that lead to freedom. Taking 10 seconds to download the guide will set you up for success!

Check Out These Highlights: The radio show that took all the fun out of Matt’s life growing up Three changes that we’re making to the podcast The situational awareness you need as a leader Why leaders struggle to be open to reality How vulnerability works in a healthy leadership culture The importance of making small changes to break rigidity and avoid chaos Links Mentioned In The Episode PAST EPISODE - Resilience: The Mental Health of a Leader (Episode 3) FREE Resource - Five Factors Coaching - Five Factors Facebook Group

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