Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want To Miss: The work you do must have motivation and purpose. God uses the work that you do to make him impossible ignore to the people around you. Who are you growing into? Building a life you love is an ongoing project, not just a mile marker as we begin our adult lives. What you do with your life does not define who you are. You are a person created by God who made you in his image, for his glory, to be loved by him forever.

“We gotta talk about calling.” I (Matt) am a pastor with an accounting degree in a church filled with college students. I am also a leadership coach who works with hundreds of leaders trying to figure out how to make their life count. Tal is a licensed therapist who spends lots of time with clients zeroing in on how they answer the question, “Who are you?”

Let us help you build the life God made you to live.

Ready To Find Freedom? Grab Our FREE Guide And Find Out.

If you need time to figure out how to build a life you love, we created a FREE guide to help you take clear next steps. This simple three-step process will give you a simple way to find clarity, gain momentum and produce results that lead to freedom. Taking 10 seconds to download the guide will set you up for success!

Check Out These Highlights: Find out how your work fits into God’s mission Who did Matt and Tal want to be growing up? Why you never finish building the life you love Four dysfunctional beliefs about calling The five mindsets you need to build a great life A plan to help you get ready to build a great life in 2018 [Bonus] What Matt is doing for his birthday...look at the links below for a clue. Links Mentioned In The Episode: Episode 4 - Ambition Album - Concrete and Gold by Foo Fighters Book - Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans FREE Resource - Five Factors Facebook Group

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