Biggest Takeaways You Don't Want To Miss: Training doesn’t develop leaders. Training allows organizations to batch content and scale their message. But the results speak for themselves - leadership training doesn’t produce better leaders. The best way to develop leaders is through relationship. Taking a more personalized approach that emphasizes empathy, clarity and service results in leaders who do their best work for the long haul. Develop emotional intelligence and you’ve done 80% of the work. Leadership failure can almost always be attributed to a lack of self-awareness or empathy, which are the heart and soul of emotional intelligence.

The problem with leadership training is less about the content and more about the context. Three simple questions asked in the context of a genuine relationship creates a fertile field of potential. This episode cracks the code on a topic that has attracted lots of attention, a ton of ideas and sketchy results.

Take this simple strategy, put it to work and grow the leadership potential of your organization!

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If you need time to figure out how to develop the leaders around you, we created a FREE guide to help you take clear next steps. This simple three-step process will give you a simple way to find clarity, gain momentum and produce results that lead to freedom. Taking 10 seconds to download the guide will set you up for success!

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