“Why so serious? That was the line The Joker, played by Keith Ledger, in the iconic Batman series gave explaining why he had the scars on his face. It became a cult-like phrase. Make no mistake about it, the crisis we are facing in our country is so serious it’s at a tipping point. However, there are those on the left who are saying to those of us who love the United States of America and would be considered patriots, “Why so serious?” Well, there is a large, loud group in our great country who believe that those of us who are flag waving, country loving, stand to our feet, hand over our heart when the national anthem is played Americans, are the obstacle to the next level of societal evolution. And they’re right! But it’s not societal evolution, it’s societal devolution! We are the only obstacle to Totalitarianism becoming mainstream while bulldozing our Republic into the ocean. Why so serious? Because
