Have you ever wondered what the Bible really says about...well...everything? Have you ever wondered what it looks like when two churches from wildly different backgrounds get together to talk about it? We sure did, which is why Unfailing Love Church and Unfinished Community have come together in this new series called "Untitled," where we spend time talking about the Bible, what it says, and how we can apply it to our own lives.  

Today, we're digging into Genesis 19:1-29, and exploring the often misunderstood story of Sodom and Gomorrah. In case you were wondering, no; it's got nothing to do with LGBTQIA folks, or really any kind of intimate sexuality (though violations of consent abound, and we'll definitely talk about that!) Give it a listen to find out more about this passage, and to learn more about what it means to be a follower of Christ! 



If you have the pressing desire to see our shining faces, this video is also available on YouTube via our website links below. Feel free to check it out!

Today's Verse: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+19%3A1-29&version=NRSVUE 

Unfailing Love Church: https://ulcfw.com/ 

Unfinished Community: pastorkuma.wixsite.com/unfinished