Welcome to our "new" series, "Back to Basics!" (Well...by new, we mean...repurposed. This isn't the same as the previous series by the same name!)

In this series, Pastor Don and Courtney Fraley are going to explore the Bible, one story at a time, starting at the beginning, and working our way forward until we either get bored or run out of Bible! Tune in every week for a brief exploration of the next chapter in that thrilling and oft-misunderstood story, the Bible!

In today's episode, we are talking about the first part of Genesis 18, and the encounter with "the Lord" at the Oaks of Mamre. Does this count as the first incarnation of God in the world and, if so, why is it a kind of slenderman-esque creepy? How are covenant-era Israelites and Hobbits the same? Did the Lord of the Rings crib a Christian hymn? Check out today's episode to find out about all that and more!



If you have the pressing desire to see our shining faces, this video is also available on YouTube via our website links below. Feel free to check it out!

Website: pastorkuma.wixsite.com/unfinished

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Discord: https://discord.gg/mJxWv6c