How to invest in residential assisted living and drastically increase the returns of your properties with Gene Guarino. Investing in property is a solid way to create a passive income, but you can achieve a higher cash flow and greater returns through residential assisted living.

Four thousand people turn 85 every single day and all of these people need to be cared for. As with anything the more involvement you’re willing to put in the better the returns. For example, if you want to be completely hands off you can invest in a mutual fund and you’ll get an average return of 4-8 percent, but these figures rise drastically if you become a private investor and turn private homes into residential assisted living environments yourself.

Gene’s free online course shares all the information on how to get started with this. Gene Guarino has specialized in residential assisted living for the majority of his career and in that time has helped thousands of investors break into the market.

He is committed to helping other investors follow in this path and can be contacted through telephone on 4807043065.

It’s important to focus on higher-end clients as they will be able to produce a more consistent high rate of return. Even if your startup cost is higher (because of higher house prices), your upkeep cost will remain the same. This means that over time your rate of return will be much higher than if you invested in a low-income area where people can’t spend as much money looking after their elders. Contact operators that already work in the area your looking at and ask if they want to expand.

Alternatively, Gene’s online course,, helps investors and operators network with each other to create vital contacts that are needed in this business.

Gene Guarino has a special offer for you

To learn more or to get started follow this introductory free lesson which will teach you on how to get started at assisted living

Call Gene directly on 4807043065 or email through [email protected]

Gene Guarino’s Best Investment

Family vacations. Going away and spending quality time with your family is something everybody needs and these vacations are what people remember forever.

Gene Guarino’s Worst Investment

Spending money, time and energy on what others think is important, rather than what you’re passionate about.

Gene Guarino’s Most important investing lesson

Follow your passion, think about what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and if it’s really what makes you feel fulfilled.

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