Turnkey Real Estate Investing is not what you thought it is! Find out what it takes to invest, who may invest and how turnkey investing is changing both real estate and the investing landscape. If you are looking for a transparent passive investment and you don’t have the time to watch the tickers on the screen or jumping every time bad news hits the paper, then find out if turnkey real estate investing is for you.

Marco is an investor, author and founder of Norada Real Estate Investing which offers properties spread out in 18 markets nationwide. Marco started his career in real estate investing at the age of 18.

Marco Santarelli shares the means and methods on how you can be successful in turnkey real estate investing too. Find out what are the risks involved.

Now you may ask yourself why would someone want to help you invest? Your success is theirs too! Join us for a meaningful conversation that will be worth your time. Marco has a special offer for you: To learn more about passive investing check out Marco’s website for an overview and find out if it is time to put those nest-eggs to work:

Get this free copy of Marco’s The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing. Get it here: http://www.noradarealestate.com/guide/

Connect with Marco:

Norada Real Estate http://www.noradarealestate.com/Marco-Santarelli/

Twitter @MarcoSantarelli https://twitter.com/marcosantarelli?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NoradaRealEstateInvestments

Marco’s Best Investment

His best investment was his first property, the best deal he ever made and the first renovation he made on his own that got him started on real estate investing.

Marco’s Worst Investment

Marco’s worst deal ever is a property he bought for being “cheap” which taught him the expensive lesson of buying in the right neighborhood. Value and Quality is the priority over price.

Marco’s Most important investing lesson

Capital gains from sales result in taxes, and good properties continually cash flow. Do not sell your property – keep them or exchange them for other properties with higher cash flow.

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