Have you ever wondered how to create more stability and passive income without a huge time commitment? Today, Aaron Bress talks about how doctors can leverage their experience in their respective professions to invest in real estate and discuss strategies for taking advantage of compounding interest and investment potential. He touches on some of the challenges of investing, such as limiting beliefs and difficulty finding suitable partners and investments. This episode will give you the insight you need to make informed decisions when investing in real estate, so take advantage of it!

Aaron Bress, CEO at Liquidity. He is a neuro-interventional physician in Salt Lake City using cutting-edge medicine to treat Neurovascular diseases, commonly stroke, and aneurysms. He is also an entrepreneur passionate about helping others achieve their dreams through passive real estate investing.

[00:01 - 05:56]  Opening Segment

• How Aaron got interested in Real Estate Investing

The CEO of Liquidity and a neuro-interventional physician

• Aaron shares his experience with Airbnb

• How real estate syndications offer peace of mind and more control

[05:57 - 13:53] Overcome Limiting Beliefs

• Semi-passive income from short-term rental properties

• The earn, invest and repeat approach

• Limiting beliefs can be overcome by staying persistent and meeting people

• Understanding the skepticism of doctors and how to overcome it

[13:54 - 22:37]Closing Segment

• Why real estate is a great asset class

Tax benefits, passive income, and appreciation

• Investors should set a goal for themselves for how long they want to wait before investing

Connect with Aaron:

Website: Invest with Liquidity 

Key Quotes:

“You can make money on your money, or you can make money on your efforts.” - Sujata Shyam

“The challenge is getting to know people, networking, and finding that community that works with your investment plan and your vision.” - Aaron Bress

“Keep going, keep getting better, keep meeting people, and just go through the process.” - Aaron Bress


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