My guest today is Sarah Foley. She is a transformation coach, speaker, and creator of the Icon Collective.After experiencing life literally flipping her upside down from a debilitating ATV accident in 2012, Sarah learned how to experience the richness and beauty of life. She has been featured on major stages and platforms all over the US, including being featured multiple times on the Tony Robbins podcast and being featured in "Your Second Act" by Patricia Heaton. Sarah’s helped thousands of people of all abilities gain confidence, redefine what’s possible and become the icons they are.

Today Sarah is passionate about guiding and witnessing the shift in others as they embrace their Vertical self. As a certified Tony Robbins Breakthrough Coach, and a background in health & fitness, spa management and television industries, she shares the tools and perspectives that help others understand they are capable of experiencing their beautiful, rich and successful lives right now.

In todays episode you will learn: 

How to transform your mindset around disabilities Shifting into a new identity Moving into acceptance and cultivating radical forgiveness Owning your story so it doesn't own you Moving from a victim mindset to a vertical mindset  Being in alignment with who you say you are

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For full show notes and episode resources head to:

Find our guest at:

Sarah Foley | Website,  Instagram ,Facebook Vertical Ambition Event- Get 50% off to attend March 25, 2023: Use Code: Erica The Icon Collective

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