Yes, as weird as this title sounds, this is actually something I've been pondering a lot lately.

As the internet speeds things up, I've realized that a lot of people feel like their success needs to happen ASAP! Today, or at the very latest, tomorrow.

I'll be honest, I was part of this group of people for a long time, and I'm still working on transitioning my mindset around it. Maybe you're similar and think that nothing happens fast enough, too?

For instance, are you constantly feeling like you're behind because you see a lot of people having your dream life already on Instagram? Even though a lot of that is fake, ya still want it right, ha, I hear ya. Or are you always reading those ads and articles that pop up that tell you a list of things that are holding you back and how you can get past them to live your dream life?

Back in November, I joined a high-end course with a coach teaching business and coaching strategies. Looking back, I didn't really know what I was getting into, but I did know that I wanted everything I was doing to take off way faster than it was. I thought I deserved to have things come together perfectly for me. And when I read about this course, it seemed like it was my recipe for 6 months to success.

Spoiler alert, it didn't. Yes, I now know more than I did, but I think more-so I actually learned the opposite of what I went into it for. I learned that a lot of people on the internet right now are starting things there because the entry is so easy. I noticed that people who think they want to be entrepreneurs don't exactly know how difficult it is or maybe more so, the stamina it takes, to start, run, maintain, grow, and be profitable. I saw that people think they deserve the world after they've only worked for a few months.

Yes, I now know more than I did, but I think more-so I actually learned the opposite of what I went into it for. I learned that a lot of people on the internet right now are starting things there because the entry is so easy. I noticed that people who think they want to be entrepreneurs don't exactly know how difficult it is or maybe more so, the stamina it takes, to start, run, maintain, grow, and be profitable. I saw that people think they deserve the world after they've only worked for a few months.

And you know what, I get it. Because some people we see are overnight successes, but 99% of those overnight successes were working behind the scenes for years and years and years.

One of the most common themes to the impatience I've noticed seems to be complaining. People who feel entitled that just because they built a website and put out an offer, they deserve to have buyers, and a lot of them. I often wonder where this stems from and how someone comes to the conclusion that they deserve to be successful just for putting something out there whether it's good or bad, whether they're an expert or not, etc.. I can tell you one thing, if it was that easy, everyone would do it.

But that's the catch. It is that easy to put something out now AND everyone is doing it. EXCEPT, that's where the knowledge ends. As hard as you may have thought the starting was, the start is the easy part! The everyday grind is where the real winners start to appear. And that hustle is what's hard because results don't come like magic or at the speed of Superman. Results come from taking crazy action every single day while also being really patient.

And listen, some impatience is fine with me because I get it. I want to grow my lists quickly (ps. go join my Instagram @haleybhop:), I want to be on top Podcasts lists, I want my art to be sold out, but no matter how many coaches or magic fairies I get, I'm the one who has to make things happen, step by step by setback by step. And I truly think that the victory is finding enjoyment in that process.

Because if you're really passionate about something, you should be okay with and excited about working and grinding and hustling your ...