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Passion City Church Podcast

680 episodes - English - Latest episode: 7 days ago - ★★★★★ - 2.1K ratings

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This is Us

February 21, 2018 14:30 - 57 minutes - 53 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // None of us our on this journey around the Sun alone. 7+ Billion people share our planet, and the truth is that throughout the World, throughout your Country, and even in your Neighborhood and church are people who disagree with you on the matters you hold closest. and yet... they will know us by our love. On this journey around the Sun, we can choose to be peacemakers and uniters, people following Jesus' lead and extending the same Grace that has been offered ...

An Astronaut's Perspective

February 14, 2018 16:17 - 54 minutes - 50.2 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio + Astronaut Shane Kimbrough // Astronaut Shane Kimbrough has had a perspective that few people in history have ever beheld. He has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, flown at mind-numbing speeds, and sat in the stillness of space above the Earth reading God's Word aloud on Christmas morning. Through it all, Shane's perspective, his faith, has remained resolute. There is an incredible creator who not only formed the Earth that Shane orbited for six months, but who sa...

Boost or Bury

February 04, 2018 14:15 - 50 minutes - 46.2 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // One time around the sun, 584 Million mile journey, what will be the banner over your journey this year? Will it be said about you that you grew in wisdom and stature? God has gifted you with opportunity, ability, and experience. This can be the year where you put them together for the Glory of God, or, another year can just pass by as they are so prone to do. So you have to decide, how will you steward what God has given you in 2018?

The Invitation is on the Table

January 28, 2018 22:00 - 57 minutes - 52.9 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // What would it take for an invitation to wow you these days? With all of the access we have to entertainers, celebrities, and icons via social media, what invitation would seem worth it to interrupt your daily life? Most of us would jump at an opportunity to meet our favorite actor or athlete, and yet we barely give attention to the greatest invitation that has and will ever come across our desk. The God of the Cosmos is inviting you today, not just to know Him (althoug...

Amazingly Small

January 21, 2018 22:00 - 42 minutes - 39.1 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // We are amazingly small and undeniably significant. Need proof? The sheer size of our sun, an average star in an average galaxy, is evidence enough of our smallness. In comparison, the fact that the One who breathed out that very star chose to give His life on the Cross is overwhelming confirmation that we are significant in the eyes of Almighty God. As we continue our journey around the Sun, we can take comfort in our smallness, in our significance, and in the fact tha...

Nothing is Ordinary

January 14, 2018 22:00 - 56 minutes - 51.5 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // Right now, at this moment, the Earth with you on it is spinning on its axis at close to a thousand miles an hour. Today alone, you will travel over a million miles while screaming through space at 67,000 miles an hour. This year, filled with celebrations, holidays, workweeks and weekends, birthdays, graduations, good times and hard times, you will travel 584 Million miles around the Sun. The question for you is simple; how will you spend this time? As we kick off this ...

PASSION 2018 : The God Who Sees

January 07, 2018 16:45 - 44 minutes - 40.4 MB

Panel Discussion // It's easy to feel unseen. In a room alone, or an arena full of thousands, we've all felt insignificant; as if no one notices us at all. This week we heard from three people who in those same moments found that they were never alone. Jesus, the God who sees, was right there guiding them towards Himself with a plan, and a purpose.

Christmas Eve - Bare Essentials

December 24, 2017 21:00 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // This Christmas Eve message from Pastor Louie Giglio was a reminder that even amidst all of the chaos of the world, there is power in the simplified story of Christmas!

Extravagant Worship :: Part Three

December 17, 2017 16:00 - 51 minutes - 46.9 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // In the final week of our ANCHOR series, Pastor Louie Giglio wants us to remember that Worship is our response to God, because of Who He is and what He has done. We were all created to worship, and if we don't choose to worship God, we will find ourselves worshipping something that in the end cannot fulfill our purpose here on Earth.

It's Time to Turn the Page

December 10, 2017 16:45 - 37 minutes - 34.8 MB

Pastor Carl Lentz from Hillsong NYC challenged us with three specific ways to live with the mindset of a page-turner. Let’s remember: fewer fingers pointing outward + more thumbs pointing inward. Only Jesus can change people. It’s not about us changing people, it’s about US changing.

Extravagant Worship :: Part Two

December 03, 2017 16:45 - 43 minutes - 40.3 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // In the final week of our ANCHOR series, Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us that although we won't always feel like worshiping, and although there will be difficult times ahead, worship is ALWAYS the right response to a nail-pierced Jesus holding open the door to Heaven.

Extravagant Worship :: Part 1

November 26, 2017 14:15 - 41 minutes - 38.2 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // In Week Three of our ANCHOR Series, Pastor Loue Giglio reminds us that Radical Grace always flips the script. Mercy is new and available for each of us every single day; so say goodbye to guilt and let your response be gratitude and WORSHIP!

The Glory of God

November 12, 2017 16:00 - 48 minutes - 44.9 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // We were created for something so much bigger than ourselves, being invited into the grand story of God. We were made in His image and for His glory. — In the first week of our new Series, ANCHOR, Pastor Louie Giglio dives into the first of our three anchors; that our lives are best when poured out for the Glory of God.

Ride the Lightning

November 05, 2017 16:45 - 41 minutes - 38.2 MB

Pastor Levi Lusko // Revival comes at a cost. This week, Pastor Levi Lusko reminds us that although God is fully capable of creating a revival, He has invited us to pour ourselves fully into His mission; bringing our own sacrifices in order to see the World come to know Jesus.

Proven Biblical Money Principles

October 29, 2017 15:45 - 44 minutes - 40.5 MB

Dave Ramsey // Money won’t make you happy. Money will make you more of what you are. There’s a cause and effect with how we manage our money. This week, our friend Dave Ramsey shares five basic things with our House on how to handle money from a Biblical perspective.  

Where Revival Prayer Begins

October 22, 2017 21:00 - 48 minutes - 44.2 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // We are all looking to make a difference, to step into the places God has called us and be a part of something worthy of the title Revival. But where do we start? Where does revival really begin? -- In the last part of our series, Still Standing, Pastor Louie Giglio leaves us with four questions we can use to keep our hearts in a posture where revival is born.

Revival Prayer

October 15, 2017 15:45 - 48 minutes - 44.4 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // When things were on the decline, Habakkuk prayed. May that be our first response to whatever comes our way... “in wrath, remember mercy.” 

The Last Word

October 08, 2017 21:00 - 49 minutes - 45.1 MB

Pastor Louie Giglio // No circumstance is going to define your future. With the promises of God in your heart and the sword of His Word in your hand, you can climb to the heights with confidence that God is in control. // Join us this week as Pastor Louie takes us through a practical bible study in Habakkuk. 

Hind’s Feet on High Places

October 01, 2017 21:00 - 42 minutes - 38.5 MB

In week two of our series, Still Standing, we learn about how arming ourselves with the armor of God allows us to climb, and stand atop, the heights we've been called to no matter what comes our way.

I Will Stand

September 24, 2017 21:00 - 41 minutes - 38.2 MB

No matter the challenges we face in our lives, God allows us to scale the heights if we put our trust in Him. Part 1 of our new series, Still Standing, with Pastor Louie Giglio. 

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

September 17, 2017 21:00 - 41 minutes - 38.1 MB

In this message from Pastor Ben Stuart, we see that whatever our relationship status, it is our relationship with Jesus that has to be our primary focus in order to step into singleness, a season of dating and engagement, or even marriage in a healthy way. 

Living Fear-Less in an Age of Fear

September 10, 2017 15:45 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

With everything going on in our world today, it's easy to find ourselves living trapped in fear. This week, Pastor Louie Giglio wants you to know that with Jesus it's possible to live fear-less even in the midst of uncertainty. 

Finding and Keeping Your Rhythm

August 20, 2017 21:00 - 36 minutes - 33.4 MB

In our last gathering before Sabbath, 515 Location Pastors Brad and Brittany Jones remind us of the importance of finding and keeping a constant rhythm of hearing from God in our daily lives. 

Stop. Rest. Remember.

August 20, 2017 15:45 - 32 minutes - 29.4 MB

In our last gathering before Sabbath, Cumberland Location Pastors Bryson and Emily Vogletanz share with us how they have learned to take moments to remember the faithfulness of God and remind us of the importance of doing the same.

The Cost of Sight

August 13, 2017 21:00 - 1 hour - 60.1 MB

In this message from ABOVE + BEYOND Sunday, Pastor Louie Giglio shares with us that the true cost of sight is a life, and encourages us with stories of people from our House who have leveraged their lives for the sake of others and the advancement of Jesus' Church.

Meet Luke

August 06, 2017 13:30 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

In this last part of our series, People of the Fine Print, Pastor Louie Giglio introduces us to Luke, a follower of Jesus who didn't fall into the traps that can lead you and me to write ourselves out of the story of God.

Meet Priscilla and Aquila

July 30, 2017 15:45 - 32 minutes - 30.1 MB

In week four of our People of the Fine Print series Pastor Ben Stuart introduces us to Priscilla and Aquila; a New Testament couple that puts on display the true power of a marriage on mission.

Meet Onesimus

July 23, 2017 15:45 - 44 minutes - 41 MB

In week three of our People of the Fine Print series, Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us to never count God out. Just like Onesimus was brought from slave to brother, our circumstances, situations, or surroundings are never too certain that God can't use them for our good and His glory.

Meet Tabitha

July 16, 2017 21:00 - 41 minutes - 38.5 MB

In week two of People of the Fine Print, Pastor Louie Giglio wants us to meet Tabitha, proof that God will use your circumstances for your good and His glory. 

Meet Barney (Barnabas)

July 09, 2017 15:45 - 57 minutes - 52.6 MB

In part one of our new series, People of the Fine Print, Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us that God chooses to use us in His story when we open our hands and hearts to Him.

5ALIVE : Trip Lee

July 02, 2017 21:00 - 41 minutes - 38 MB

Rapper, author and pastor, Trip Lee, challenged us to ask ourselves, are we dreaming big about the glory of God, or about our own glory?  

5ALIVE : Christine Caine

June 25, 2017 21:00 - 42 minutes - 38.9 MB

Are you standing in the middle of a miracle? Christine Caine shares with us that often times it is in our greatest storms that God reveals to us His greatest purposes. 

Quest For Truth

June 25, 2017 15:45 - 1 hour - 64.5 MB

Listen in as Pastor Louie Giglio asks Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale some of the hard questions about faith and following Jesus, using questions asked by the people of Passion City Church.

Hear Again

June 18, 2017 15:45 - 41 minutes - 38.5 MB

Pastor Brad Jones comes around the idea that in order to free ourselves from the trap of comparison we must choose to hear what our Heavenly Father has to say about us once again.

Pioneering to Prospering

June 18, 2017 15:00 - 38 minutes - 34.9 MB

Pastor Aaron Coe encourages us to lean into where God has led us because He has a plan, and a purpose, for us there. 

Faith and Faithfulness: A Conversation with Dr. Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio

June 11, 2017 21:00 - 1 hour - 59.3 MB

We were incredibly honored on Sunday to hear from Dr. Charles Stanley and Andy Stanley as they sat down with our Pastor Louie for a conversation on faith and faithfulness. It was encouraging, challenging and hilarious watching these three share the stage together.

Complacency Must Fall

June 11, 2017 15:45 - 44 minutes - 40.5 MB

It's time for us to walk in victory today! To stop living with less when Christ has come to give you more. It's time for the giant of complacency to fall!

Through the Eyes of a Lion

June 04, 2017 21:00 - 54 minutes - 49.5 MB

As we kick off our 5ALIVE series, Pastor Levi Lusko shares a powerful message about perception, perseverance, and faith no matter the circumstances life brings our way.

Self Must Fall // Part 2

May 28, 2017 21:00 - 49 minutes - 45.4 MB

Every giant comes down a step at a time, including the giant called SELF. Goliath MUST Fall. 

Self Must Fall

May 21, 2017 21:00 - 41 minutes - 38.3 MB

The number one thing that gets in the way of us following Jesus is SELF. Let's remember to deny self, take up our cross daily and follow Him. Goliath MUST Fall. 

Goliath Must Fall

May 07, 2017 15:45 - 35 minutes - 32.8 MB

We all have giants in our lives, adversaries or strongholds that diminish our ability to live a full and free life. Frozen in the grip of rejection, fear, anger, comfort or addiction, we lose sight of the promise God has for our lives. Demoralized and defeated, we settle for far less than His best. God has a better plan for you, a plan for you to live in victory. That's why He has silenced your giant once and for all.

Open Wide

April 30, 2017 15:45 - 47 minutes - 43.4 MB

In the second part of our series, SYNC: Reconnecting Heart & Heaven, Pastor Louie Giglio dives into the remaining four ways we can increase our connectivity to God.


April 23, 2017 15:45 - 41 minutes - 38.2 MB

In the first message from our new series, SYNC: Reconnecting Heart & Heaven, Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us that we are hard-wired for a connection and relationship with God, yet sometimes we feel disconnected or distant from Him. When those times come, if we call out to Jesus, He will answer! Sometimes it’s as simple as hitting the reset button!

Shame Was Rolled Away

April 16, 2017 14:30 - 34 minutes - 31.3 MB

The Resurrection. It's either the greatest hoax ever perpetrated, or the greatest event in human history, and Easter is an invitation to come and see for yourself. God is inviting us all to investigate the place where Jesus lay and to see for ourselves that when the stone was rolled away from the tomb, so was our sin, our shame, and even death itself.

Confident Prayers

April 09, 2017 15:45 - 34 minutes - 31.3 MB

In the fifth and final part of our series, Confident, Ben Stuart challenges us to have confidence in the promises of God despite the pain in our lives. Let’s pray with the confidence of a child, the clarity of a soldier and the certainty of a victor. Remembering we’re on mission with Jesus, and with Jesus, we can’t lose!

Your Promise Still Stands

April 02, 2017 15:45 - 44 minutes - 40.6 MB

In the fourth part of our series, Confident, Pastor Louie Giglio shares that the confidence in our lives comes when we face challenges; not just with might from within, but with a promise from God that He is not going to fail. He has not failed in the past, He will not in the future.

The Glorious Comma

March 26, 2017 15:00 - 48 minutes - 44.1 MB

In the third part of our series, Confident, Pastor Louie Giglio wants us to know that God is not finished with us yet, and shows us how the smallest of punctuation can have the largest of meanings. 

Building Faith in the Middle of Your Storm

March 19, 2017 21:00 - 41 minutes - 38.4 MB

In part two of our series, Confident, Pastor Grant Partrick shares with us that facing life's most intense storms is not about having heroic faith, but about having a Hero worth placing our faith in.

Confident in the Captain of the Storm

March 19, 2017 15:45 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

In part two of our series, Confident, Pastor Jonathan Hansen wants you to know that even in the middle of life's most turbulent storms there is still a reason to have confidence in Jesus. 

Storm Warnings: Learning to Worship in the Midst of Life’s Greatest Tests

March 19, 2017 13:30 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

In part two of our series, Confident, Pastor Aaron Coe shares with us around how God uses storms not as a tool against us, but as a method of developing something inside of us. 


Beth Moore
1 Episode
Ravi Zacharias
1 Episode
Sadie Robertson
1 Episode


A Walk to Remember
1 Episode
In the Beginning
1 Episode