2019 wasn't what I expected but in retrospect it was exactly what I needed. In this episode, I reflect on my year and talk about why I decided to get a job, taking a humbling (but temporary) step back from entrepreneurship, my journey with Starbucks, facing my biggest fear, taking things off of a pedestal, having accountability with my closest friends, reducing social anxiety, becoming comfortable in public, appreciating the present moment of the journey, strategically investing money, why I've become so attractive, prioritizing happiness over all, overcoming fears, breaking past your self imposed walls & a bunch more.

I was pleased with how this came out. Hope you get a lot of value from this. Much love all. Happy 2020.


My links:
Website: https://joshmoxey.com
Instagram https://instagram.com/joshmoxey
Facebook https://facebook.com/joshmoxey
YouTube https://joshmoxey.com/yt
Twitter https://twitter.com/joshmoxey

Podcast/audio versions:
Apple Podcasts https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-josh-moxey-journey/id1305500400
Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/I5n3a2frujlcypze4b4fh5v2jdi

Veepot & Brainrack - Eliminate https://soundcloud.com/hybridtrapmusic/eliminate


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