I was slightly irritated in this. Irritated because I care at times, and sometimes too much. I want to give people hard truth, but sometimes their self esteem isn't high enough to handle it. I was calling a friend out because he was bullshitting himself, just as I would expect a friend to do to me, but he wasn't having it at all.

In this episode, I rant about self esteem, how I wish the world wasn't so soft, why I give hard truth even though I don't want to, and my disinterest in sugar coating the truth for sensitive people.

Hope this helps. Much love world.


My links:

Website: https://joshmoxey.com

Instagram https://instagram.com/joshmoxey

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YouTube https://joshmoxey.com/yt

Twitter https://twitter.com/joshmoxey

Podcast/audio versions:

Apple Podcasts itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-josh-moxey-journey/id1305500400

Google Play https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/I5n3a2frujlcypze4b4fh5v2jdi


trfk - monday https://soundcloud.com/trfkmusic/monday

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