Passing The Baton Leadership Podcast artwork

Passing The Baton Leadership Podcast

443 episodes - English - Latest episode: 1 day ago - ★★★★★ - 22 ratings

Join author, speaker, and leadership expert Zack Hudson on the Passing the Baton Leadership Podcast for topics including personal development, time management, leading well, entrepreneurship, relational leadership, work-life balance, and other relevant and timely topics.

Have fun with Host Mike Floyd, Neha Shingane, and Zack as they cover leadership topics in this commuter-style radio show so that you can listen to and finish the episode during your normal commute to work, school or while running errands.

For more information, visit our website! There, you can read weekly posts on leadership and life lessons that coincide with the show and subscribe to have the newsletters delivered straight to your inbox. Passing the Baton Leadership Podcast also features interviews with world-renowned leaders and authors to hear their perspectives on leadership.

This is a great show for leaders looking to expand their influence, parents looking to lead their children well and students that are looking to become the next great leader. Send in your questions to be featured in an upcoming episode with author, speaker, and leadership expert Zack Hudson by visiting

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PTB 192: Have More Fun

November 27, 2019 09:00 - 17 minutes - 24.2 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This we we talk about how to "Have More fun!" It's sometimes easier said than done. You can't force someone to have fun. Even though you can't force fun, you can make it more of a habit in your life. Here are some tips to draw out some fun and joy in your life. 

PTB 191: How an Accountability Partner Can Help You

November 20, 2019 10:00 - 20 minutes - 27.5 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. I have really appreciated the accountability partners that I have had over the years. They were there when I had no one else to talk to, there to listen when I had something really embarrassing to talk through, and they were there to help me formulate my goals. An accountability partnership can be a great two-way road of added value to each party.  Join us this week as talk about "How an Acco...

PTB 190: Successfully Negotiate Your Raise

November 13, 2019 10:00 - 22 minutes - 30.7 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. So have been working your tail off and you think that you deserve a raise? Congrats on all your hard work. Now you get the joy of navigating the murky waters of asking for that raise. This week we give practical steps on how you can "Successfully Negotiate Your Raise."

PTB 189: Gaining Experience and Moving Up (Part 2)

November 06, 2019 10:00 - 26 minutes - 35.8 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we talk about "Gaining Experience and Moving Up (Part 2)" A great leader is a continual learner. They never arrive at their final destination and are constantly looking for ways to grow their knowledge and experience. One of the most unfortunate interactions I have as a leader is with people who have been around for a while and think that there is nothing else that they can learn.  ...

PTB 188: Gaining Experience and Moving Up (Part 1)

October 30, 2019 09:00 - 25 minutes - 35.6 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we talk about "Gaining Experience and Moving Up (Part 1)" Knowledge does come from experience and experience is the key to grow your value and worth in your career. If you want to continue to grow your income and land that dream job that you want, you'll need to continue to hone your skills and build relevant experience

PTB 187: The Value of Your Experience

October 23, 2019 09:00 - 21 minutes - 29.9 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we talk about "The Value of Your Experience" Your experience makes you money. The more experience that you have, the more salary that you can command. Life is not all about money though. Your experience also gives you a chance to build lifelong friendships and have more satisfaction in your life and career.

PTB 186: The Power of Body Language

October 16, 2019 09:00 - 20 minutes - 27.5 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. I think that we sometimes underappreciate the power of body language. It can tell a much more truthful story than our words at times. We can unknowingly show our emotions through our body language and even send mixed signals. Our words say one thing, while the body says another.  This week we talk about "The Power of Body Language"

PTB 185: 5 Ways to Encourage Your Family and Friends

October 09, 2019 09:30 - 21 minutes - 29.4 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. Encouragement with your friends and family is just as important as encouragement at work. As we get older, this one seems to slip away from us. Think back to your time in high school or college. Encouragement for your friends and family and the value of those relationships were likely very high. As you enter the job market, start a family and you or your friends move away, it becomes more diffi...

PTB 184: 5 Ways to Encourage Others at Work

October 02, 2019 09:30 - 23 minutes - 32.7 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  No one has ever said, "Please stop encouraging me in my job." It's always a great idea to encourage others in the workplace no matter what your level is in an organization. The ability to encourage others will serve you well throughout your career and can easily be a way for you to stand out against the crowd. This week we discuss "Five Tips to Strengthen How You Encourage Others at Work.: 

PTB 183: Its Our Birthday! A look back at the year and things around the corner

September 25, 2019 09:00 - 24 minutes - 33.7 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we celebrate 4 years of content creation by looking back over the last year as well as looking ahead to some exciting things to come.  

PTB 182: Future Proof Your Success with Diana Wu David

September 18, 2019 09:00 - 20 minutes - 28.1 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we have the pleasure of visiting with Diana Wu David. She is a TEDx speaker and author of the book Future Proof. Her company, Sarana Labs, invests in young people and companies to prepare them for a bright future. Diana shares her thoughts with us on our newest podcast and as a guest on our blog. Enjoy! -ZH You can find Diana's 11 steps to future proof yourself at

PTB 181: Gain a True Sense of Identity

September 11, 2019 09:00 - 23 minutes - 32.1 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  This week we discuss how to "Gain a True Sense of Your Identity." One of the common issues I see leaders face is that they identify too strongly with one aspect of their lives and ignore the other parts. It can be easy to fall into this trap because it typically starts out innocently enough as you pursue something that you enjoy or that is important to you. In the pursuit of more, we let other...

PTB 180: Navigating the Corporate Environment

September 04, 2019 09:00 - 19 minutes - 26.7 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. How well you navigate the corporate environment can either give you a career boost or become an anchor that you will have a difficult time getting rid of. It's important that we are successful as we acclimate ourselves to the environment.  Listen in as we discuss "Navigating the Corporate Environment."

PTB 179: What's Your Word Worth?

August 28, 2019 09:00 - 18 minutes - 26 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  The value of your word is much like the stock market. Its value fluctuates on a continual basis. Any company out there would love the ability to be fully in control of their rating on the market. There are many outside factors that go into the evaluation of a company with many of the factors being outside of the organization's control. The good news is that while you have outside influences on t...

PTB 178: When Life Throws You a Curve

August 21, 2019 09:00 - 20 minutes - 27.9 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Life is all about curveballs and unexpected changes. I'm not aware of anyone that has lived life exactly like they imagined and planned for. Sometimes these changes come out of nowhere and alter your life forever. A sudden job loss. The unexpected passing of a loved one. Other times you get some warning, but it doesn't make the change much easier. We are creatures of habit and dislike things tha...

PTB 177: Being Comfortable Around Higher Management

August 14, 2019 09:00 - 21 minutes - 29.9 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Being around people that you admire from afar, have authority or are well known can spark a number of reactions in a person. Some get overly excited, some dread the interaction, some fear it, and others embrace it. Which are you? Join us to find out as we talk about "Being Comfortable Around Higher Management."

PTB 176: Managing Successful Career Change Part 2

August 07, 2019 09:00 - 18 minutes - 26 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Now that you've decided that you need to make a career change (or you are at least interested in looking) What do you do next? Join us for part 2 of "Managing Successful Career Change."

PTB 175: Managing Successful Career Change Part 1

July 31, 2019 09:00 - 19 minutes - 27.1 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. A career change (or your first real career-type job) can be intimidating. The journey is a road of unknowns with little guarantee. It can also be an extremely stressful time as well. This week we will look at some areas of your life and your current job to determine if you really need to make a career change or something else.  So join us as we discuss "Managing a Successful Career Change" part...

PTB 174: How to Turn Around a Bad Reputation

July 24, 2019 16:00 - 20 minutes - 28 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  There are few things in life that are permanent. You can even have your old tattoo of Hello Kitty that you now hate removed. People sometimes believe that you can't shake a bad reputation. Instead of trying to climb out of the situation, they instead embrace it because they really don't see another option. If you'd like to turn your reputation around or know someone that could use the help, be e...

PTB 173: "Working With an Absent Leader"

July 17, 2019 09:00 - 18 minutes - 24.8 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. Have you ever had a boss that just wasn't there? (Maybe that's your wish!) Perhaps they are physically present but are not engaged in your relationship or the job that they are holding. That's when it's important to know how you can be "Working With an Absent Leader."

PTB 172: How to Be a Great Mentor

July 13, 2019 15:15 - 20 minutes - 28.6 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. It can feel great when someone asks you to be their mentor.  It means that they highly value your input and want to model at least part of their life after you. Mentoring can often be a bit intimidating at first. That's why we talk about "How to be a Great Mentor" this week.

PTB 171: How to Find a Great Mentor

July 03, 2019 14:52 - 19 minutes - 27.1 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we talk about "How to Find a Great Mentor." I owe a lot of my success in life to my mentors and advisors who have helped me along my life journey. Their guidance kept me on the right path when things got confusing, helped me make the right decisions during difficult times and supported and encouraged me in my growth.  Where do you look to find a mentor and how do you go about start...

PTB 170: Finding Leadership in Running

June 26, 2019 08:00 - 22 minutes - 31.3 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we continue our series by talking about "Finding Leadership in Running."  Running is certainly a passion of Zack's and we have talked about it a good but have never really correlated how it translates to leadership.  Many of you have asked for this episode so here it is.

PTB 169: Finding Leadership In Video Games

June 19, 2019 07:30 - 20 minutes - 28.4 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  It's safe to say that video games have firmly established themselves in most people's lives in some form. The latest PlayStation console has sold nearly 100 million units. Games dominate the sales in Apple's app store and people make a living by recording themselves playing games. Gaming has become a serious business. Have fun with us this week as we talk about "Finding Leadership in Video Games"

PTB 168: Finding Leadership in Puzzles

June 12, 2019 07:00 - 17 minutes - 24.2 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we continue our series about finding leadership in simple things by talking about "Finding Leadership in Puzzles."  

PTB 167: Finding Leadership in Lego's

June 04, 2019 21:48 - 17 minutes - 23.5 MB

Join author, speaker, and leadership expert Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. You probably have, had or know someone who has Legos. They are the little building blocks that have inspired generations and grown from small playthings to multimedia pop culture icons. These little playthings can teach us a few things about leadership and life. Join us as we "Find Leadership in Lego's"

PTB 166: Are Your Morals for Sale?

May 29, 2019 07:00 - 20 minutes - 28.5 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. What value do you put on your morals, values, and ethics? Are your morals something that you highly value and would never give away, or something that perhaps you'd trade for? Would a new car do it? A new house? Everyone has a point where an ethical choice will cause them to pause. Listen this week as we discuss "Are Your Morals for Sale?"

PTB 165: How to Own Your Personal Development

May 22, 2019 07:00 - 21 minutes - 29.2 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. Wouldn't it be wonderful if your job had a personal, unique development plan that gave you a step by step guide on how to grow and develop yourself and your career? I'm sure that it's out there, but it extremely rare to find this in the workplace.  That's why it's so important that you know "How to Own Your Personal Development."

PTB 164: Gain the Persistence to Excel

May 15, 2019 07:00 - 17 minutes - 23.5 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  The act of continuing on in spite of difficulty or opposition. Some people would call that foolishness. Why keep at something that is not working out? Others see it not as a reason to stop, but as a reason to keep at it. Many of our most cherished accomplishments come from our persistence to keep going. Here are a few keys things to remember as you look to "Gain the Persistence to Excel."  

PTB 163: How to Change Someone's Behavior

May 08, 2019 07:00 - 20 minutes - 28.6 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  We usually have the best intentions with people. We want them to change their behavior for the betterment of themselves and others.  We give advice, offer solutions and blatantly point out shortcomings in our effort to get people to change. We then get frustrated when the change doesn't occur! In our quest to help someone, we actually damage the relationship. Listen in as we talk about "How to C...

PTB 162: Holding to Humility

May 01, 2019 07:00 - 20 minutes - 28.3 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. Leaders are great at making plans. Think about yourself and the leaders you know. They usually are working off some kind of goal, plan or vision. You likely have a plan on what you want to do after you graduate, what your dream job is or where you want to be when you retire. Buying a house, starting a family, preparing those children for a good future....lots of plans. What about our character? T...

PTB 161: Are You Following Your Calling?

April 24, 2019 07:00 - 24 minutes - 34 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week is a gut check with "Are You Following Your Calling?"  This is a tough question to ask but it is necessary.  Listen along as we talk about how to find your calling and how to stay passionate once you have found it.  

PTB 160: How Your Habits Hold You Back

April 17, 2019 07:00 - 24 minutes - 33.3 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we tackle your Habits.  Specifically how they are holding you back.  This episode will help you identify what those bad habits are and help you come up with ways to replace them with more productive one's moving forward.

PTB 159: Promote Yourself the Right Way

April 10, 2019 16:00 - 21 minutes - 28.9 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This week we talk about how you can "Promote Yourself the Right Way."  In everything we do we are promoting ourselves in a good or a bad way.  We want to make sure that you're having a positive influence as you navigate as a leader.

PTB 158: Encouragement for the Hurting Leader

April 03, 2019 07:00 - 21 minutes - 29.5 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  One thing that is for sure is there is always a leader that is hurting.  So this episode is "Encouragement for the Hurting Leader."  Worthwhile listen if you're hurting or for when you do.  Also, a great episode to share with those who need it.  So give it a listen and let us know what you think!

PTB 157: April Fools with Bad Leadership Quotes

April 01, 2019 07:00 - 23 minutes - 32.9 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader. This is a special pop up episode dedicated to April Fools day!  We take beautiful, but BAD, leadership quotes and have a little fun with them.  Hope you enjoy!

PTB 156: Be Mickey Mouse

March 27, 2019 06:00 - 21 minutes - 29.8 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  This week we finish the "Be Series" with "Be Mickey Mouse."  We know that you don't usually look to Mickey Mouse when you think of leadership but the principles here are sound and true.  What a fun episode to record and I'm sure will be a fun episode to listen to.  Thanks for stopping by!

PTB 155: Be the Rabbit

March 20, 2019 07:00 - 20 minutes - 28.4 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson and he weekly invests in you as a leader.  This week we continue our popular "Be Series" with "Be the Rabbit."  Rabbits are everywhere! No matter where you live, you likely have them in or near your geographical area. They live on every continent except Antartica and there are over 305 different breeds found in over 70 countries. These cute little animals can actually teach us a good bit about our own leadership.  So tune in and learn h...

PTB 154: "Be the Turtle"

March 13, 2019 07:00 - 18 minutes - 24.9 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  This week is a continuation of our popular "Be Series" and sometimes these get a little different.  Today we want you to "Be the Turtle."  I know, that must be a typo, but if you listen in you will know exactly what we mean and will get some great insight on how to grow in your everyday leadership.

PTB 153: Be The Risk Taker

March 06, 2019 14:01 - 21 minutes - 29.9 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader! We love our set routines and the relative safety that our jobs provide. I know I do. The best leaders don't settle for the status quo and are great risk takers for their organizations. It's not done haphazardly without intent. It's planned, weighed and executed. Do you consider yourself a risk taker?  Today we talk about what it means to "Be the Risk Taker" and how we can do so in a responsible w...

PTB 152: How To Get Clarity

February 27, 2019 08:00 - 20 minutes - 28.1 MB

Join leadership expert, speaker, and author Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Have you ever had one of those moments in your life where you felt like you were wearing rain covered glasses? You can see, sort of, but you don't really know where you are going or what you are doing. Clarity in work and life is important to be successful, but sometimes it feels just out of reach. It's difficult to make meaningful decisions when you don't have the clarity to make them in an inf...

PTB 151: Disconnect From the Always on Culture

February 20, 2019 05:31 - 21 minutes - 29.3 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  Disconnecting is tough. Your phone and CPU give you the freedom to stay connected to friends, access to immediate news and an outlet to forget about those stressful emails. Have you ever stopped working on your computer and pick up your phone to check what's going on? It's a tough habit to break!  It's imperative that you do disconnect to maintain healthy stress levels, balance, and margin in yo...

PTB 150: Success vs. Excellence

February 13, 2019 13:36 - 24 minutes - 34 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  This is episode 150 for us and that is amazing!  Thank for hanging out with us for 3 years worth of shows and we're excited to bring you many many more.  This week we talk about "Success vs. Excellence" and which one you should be striving for.  

PTB 149: Emotional Intelligence - Relationship Management

February 06, 2019 13:55 - 24 minutes - 34.1 MB

Join leadership expert, author and speaker Zack Hudson as weekly in invests in you as a leader.  The level and depth of your relationships with others is a guiding factor for your success. So as we close out the series on Emotional Intelligence we will be talking about "Relationship Management."  Relationship management is the ability to build value-adding relationships with others.  If you want to continue growing in EI then listen here!  

PTB 148: Emotional Intelligence - Social Awareness

January 30, 2019 08:00 - 24 minutes - 34 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  The ability to read a room is just as important as the ability to read a book.  Social awareness is the ability to see someone's emotions and understand what is really going on in the conversation.  Great social awareness makes your meetings more enjoyable, your conversations more valuable and your reputation stronger.  This weeks episode on "Social Awareness" will help you in any personal or pr...

PTB 147: Emotional Intelligence - Self-Management

January 23, 2019 08:00 - 20 minutes - 28.1 MB

Join leadership expert, author and, speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in leaders.  Spotting a person with low self-management skills is easy in the workplace. They typically have outbursts, let their emotions run them down and in short become their own worst enemy. You may see this person (or be this person) and think that there is no hope. The good news is that is quite achievable if we focus on this area along with our self-awareness from last week. So, join us this week as we cover...

PTB 146: Emotional Intelligence - Self Awareness

January 16, 2019 12:51 - 24 minutes - 33.6 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader.  As we continue our series on Emotional Intelligence the first step is "Self Awareness."  If there is a piece of emotional intelligence that stands out the most, it's self-awareness. Its also the foundation that relationship management, self-management, and social awareness are built on. It's hard to have much growth in the other three without this piece.  We are very excited about this series an...

PTB 145: What is Emotional Intelligence?

January 09, 2019 19:07 - 18 minutes - 25.8 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader!  We have talked about Emotional Intelligence so much over the last year but have never focused just on that topic.  This begins a series for the next 5 weeks to help you understand "What is Emotional Intelligence" and how does it really make an impact day to day.  So excited for this series so send us your thoughts.

PTB 144: Importance of Vision

January 03, 2019 19:19 - 21 minutes - 29.1 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in you as a leader!  It's a new year!  It's a time to wash away the old of the prior year and to make a fresh start for 2019. You have all the potential in the world ahead of you. The vision that you cast now for yourself and your team should be a challenge, yet attainable and you should have at least a general path how to get there. So this week we talk about the importance of having "Vision."

PTB 143: Celebrate

December 26, 2018 19:04 - 17 minutes - 23.5 MB

Join leadership expert, author, and speaker Zack Hudson as he weekly invests in anyone who will listen.  The week after Christmas is a very unique week. You hopefully just celebrated the holiday with friends and family and we have the new year just around the corner. You've worked hard. Your team has worked hard. It's time to celebrate!  So this week we talk about how to "Celebrate" and why it's important to do so!


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